Barricades were installed on all roads leading to the city of Sevastopol overnight on Tuesday- Wednesday. The posts are being guarded by police and popular m... Длительность: 0:48
Скриншоты к видео Ukraine: Barricades built on Sevastopol approach roads
This is a compilation of the last 6 years of Sevastopol TV, showing what we bring to our community. Of course, the clips are very short, but represent over 5... Длительность: 50:05
Hello, My name is Darren and i'm here to show you some of my experiences of scale modeling. I want to show some techniques that i learned on youtube and mayb... Длительность: 15:16
Скриншоты к видео My Debut Video - MiniArt Ruined Buildings and Sevastopol 1941 Part 1