The BEST WESTERN Sevastopol Hotel is proud of being one of the best hotels in Sevastopol city. The Hotel is centrally located with elegant neoclassical archi... Длительность: 8:50
Скриншоты к видео BEST WESTERN Sevastopol Hotel, Ukraine
Севастопольская крепость стала сценой для оперных певцов - Новости. Утро - 10.06.2013 Sevastopol fortress became the stage for Opera singers - news. Morning ... Длительность: 0:56
Скриншоты к видео Севастопольская крепость стала сценой для оперных п... The Viking ship Lomonosov began to pitch and roll slightly once as it left the Dnieper River and headed into the Black Sea, ... Длительность: 4:45
Скриншоты к видео Cruising Into The Former Soviet Maritime Headquarters of Sevastopol